Preliminary Program

Find below a detailed preliminary conference program for ICSR24. It is still subject to change!

See the presentation guidelines for each type of session here.

Wednesday Oct 23Thursday Oct 24Friday Oct 25Saturday Oct 26
8:30Registration and
light breakfast
8:00Registration open &
light breakfast
8:00Registration open & light breakfast10:00HC Andersen museum visit
9:00Morning workshops8:45Welcome8:45Keynote – Ju
12:00lunch9:00Keynote – Sandini9:30Regular session 411:30LEGO House visit
13:00Afternoon workshops9:45Regular session RS110:00Teaser talks TS318:30LEGO House visit ends
10:15Teaser talks TS110:15Coffee and Posters PS3
18:00Reception at Dream Lab SDU10:30Welcome and Opening of Exhibition
Søren Elmer Kristensen, Odense Robotics
Special Session ARTS
10:35Coffee + Posters PS1
11:30Regular session RS2
13:30Keynote – Kanda13:30Keynote – Broadbent
14:15Teaser talks TS214:00Regular Session RS5
14:30Coffee and Posters PS214:30Teaser talks TS4
15:30Special Session ROS4SR14:40Coffee and Posters PS4
16:40break15:40Regular Session RS6
17:15Regular session 316:25break
17:20Regular Session RS7
18:05Awards ceremony
19:00Conference Dinner at Anarkist20:00Uncanny Valley

The Robot Design Competition will be organized as a parallel session on Friday morning from from 11:20 to 12:30. Competition participants will give teaser talks from 10:00 to the general conference audience. Awards will be announced at 17:35 on the same day. Competition entries can be displayed in the exhibition area from Thursday. See more details about the Competition under this link.

Regular session RS1 – Thursday
9:45A Semi-Automated Multi-Robot Comedy Performance System: From Script to Performance 23
Janani Swaminathan, Chirag Jain, Madison Miller, and Heather Knight
10:00Exploring the Effect of Robotic Embodiment and Empathetic Tone of LLMs on Empathy Elicitation 109
Liza Darwesh, Jaspreet Singh, Marin Marian, Eduard Alexa, Koen Hindriks, and Kim Baraka

Regular session RS2 – Thursday
11:30Conveying Emotions to Robots through Touch and Sound
Qiaoqiao Ren, Remko Proesmans, Frederick Bossuyt, Jan Vanfleteren, Francis wyffels, Tony Belpaeme
11:45The Content of Transparency Matters: Evaluating Verbal Transparency about Robot Capabilities
Matous Jelinek, Kerstin Fischer
12:00Three Principles for Social Robots as Embodied Mediators 121
Deborah Szapiro, Vicky Charisi, Daniel Serrano, Thomas H. Weisswange, Matthew Aylett, Guangliang Li, Pourang Irani, Eric Nichols, Luis Merino, Randy Gomez, Eleanor Sandry, Selma Sabanovic
12:15Assessing Multimodal Communication in Human-Robot Interaction: A User Study 21
Sandeep Reddy Sabbella, Francesco Leotta, Daniele Nardi, Alexia Salomons

Regular session RS3 – Thursday
17:15Robots That Perform Norm-Based Reference Resolution 96
Mitchell Abrams, Christopher Thierauf, Matthias Scheutz
17:30Ethical Deliberation in the presence of robots: heterophenomenological access to sociality experiences in human-robot interaction 29
Malene Flensborg Damholdt, christina Vestergaard, Oliver Santiago Quick , Johanna Seibt
17:45Off my Chest with my Robot? The Influence of Psychological Ownership on Self-Disclosure to a Robot 64
Dimitri Lacroix, Maja Landwehr, Ricarda Wullenkord, Friederike Eyssel, Angelika Augustine
18:00Exploring the Design Space of Emotional Support Drones 26
Ori Fartook, Tal Oron-Gilad, Jessica R. Cauchard

Regular session RS4 – Friday
9:30Defining Socially Assistive Robots for the Law: Preliminary results of a systematic review 130
Marie Schwed-Shenker, Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Custers Bart
9:45Gesture2Path: Imitation Learning for Gesture-Aware Navigation 30
Catie Cuan, Edward Lee, Emre Fisher, Anthony Francis, Leila Takayama, Tingnan Zhang, Alexander Toshev, Soeren Pirk

Regular session RS5 – Friday
13:30What Makes an Educational Robot Game Fun? Framework Analysis of Children’s Design Ideas 22
Elaheh Sanoubari, John Edison Muñoz Cardona , Ali Yamini , Neil Randall, Kerstin Dautenhahn
13:45A Case Study on Robot Sound Design for a Sidewalk Delivery Robot
Brian Zhang, Ibrahim Syed, Jason Fick, Naomi Fitter

Regular session RS6 – Friday
15:10Enacting future robots with Namibian children 79
Antonia Krummheuer, Selma Auala, Helvi Itenge, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus
15:25Exploring Children’s Strategies in Responses to Robot’s Advice during a Group Task with iCub and Nao 107
Giulia Pusceddu, Mariapia Sangineto, Francesca Cocchella, Michela Bogliolo, Giulia Belgiovine, Linda Lastrico, Maura Casadio, Francesco Rea, Cristina Gena, Alessandra Sciutti

15:40A Soft Social Robot to Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms in Children 45
Troels Aske Klausen, Jonas Jørgensen, Evgenios Vlachos

Regular session RS7 – Friday
16:50Creative Applications for Socially Assistive Robots to Support Mental-Health: A Participatory Pilot Study 66
Elizabeth Jochum, Andreas Kornmaaler Hansen, Carlos Gomez Cubero
17:05Diaphragmatic Breathing Guidance Using a Humanoid Robot With a Soft Robotic Haptic Interface for Anxiety Reduction 128
Adnan Saood, Yang Liu, Adriana Tapus
17:20Roll For Robot: A Tabletop Role-Playing Game for Designing Socially Assistive Robots for Depression Management 32
Sawyer Collins, Kenna Baugus Henkel, Zachary Henkel, Selma Sabanovic

Special session Arts – Friday
11:30Curtain Up on Creative Robotics in Theatrical Experiments 122
Alloyed Bodies: Performance-Making as Embodied Prototyping of Human-Robot Relationships 115
Dancing with a Robot: An Experimental Study of Child-Robot Interaction in a Performative Art Setting 140
Zen Wakarimasen – mobile robot raking a Zen garden in an artistic installation 90
Envision a future of living with robots through participatory theatre: A field report 162
Posthuman Dance Performance Based on Embodied Mechanical Prosthetics: LUDDITES 168
“Kissing Birds”: Mediating Human-Human Interaction Through Poetic Engagements With Technology 179

Special session ROS4SR – Thursday
15:30Scalable and low-cost remote lab platforms: Teaching industrial robotics using open-source tools and understanding its social implications 78
reMap: Spatially-grounded and Queryable Semantics for Interactive Robots 105
Bio-inspired Joint Attention System for Dynamic Focus of Attention Allocation and Real-time Stimulus Prioritization in Social Robots 132
Gesture-controlled Storytelling Framework with Kinematic Actions on ROS and Google TPU-based Robotic Platform 67
Upgrading Pepper Robot’s Social Interaction with Advanced Hardware and Perception Enhancements 172

Teaser talks TS1 – Thursday
10:15Perception of Emotions in Human and Robot Faces: Is the Eye Region Enough? 33
Comparing Visual and Haptic Feedback Methods for VR-Based Human-Robot Teleoperation 155
Mind and Body: dimensions of mind perception across agent types in human-agent interaction 136
Exploring Human Attribution of Emotional Intent to Motion Features in a Humanoid Robot 48
Comparing Apples to Oranges: LLM-powered Multimodal Intention Prediction in an Object Categorization Task 131
Using role-play and Hierarchical Task Analysis for designing human-robot interaction 27
Context Matters: Understanding Socially Appropriate Affective Responses Via Sentence Embeddings 46
Towards Human-Robot Co-Creative Collaboration Through Interactive Task Dialogue 94
What are you looking at? A preliminary vision-based gaze estimation algorithm for humanoid robots in educational environments 120
Speech-Guided Sequential Planning for Autonomous Navigation using Large Language Model Meta AI 3 (Llama3) 93
Dude, Where’s My Robot Voice? Sometimes More Robotic is Better in Social Robot Speech Generation 53

Teaser talks TS2 – Thursday
14:15From Functional Affordances to Reciprocal Dispositions: An Ontological Representation 62
Exploring Moral Learning through Bhagavad Gita: A Comparative Study of Social Robot Interaction and Tra-ditional Reading 127
A Framework for Adapting Human-Robot Interaction to Diverse User Groups 113
Combining control and validity: Context management issues in proactive social robotics research 34
Categorizing Robots as Living or Non-living – From Descriptive to Normative Assessments 82
Co-Movement as an Indicator of Trust Development in Human-Robot Teams 99
Trust Prediction in Assistive Robotics using Multi-Modal Video Transformers 85
An EEG Benchmark Data Set for Data-Driven Trust Assessment in Social HRI 102
Effect of Agents’ Ways of Paraphrasing Users’ Talk on Users’ Trust and Likeability of Agent 77
Should Robot Arms Be Thicc or Thinn? Examining The Impact of Shape Characteristics on Human Perceptions of Robot Arms 44
Transparency-based action (TBA) model for a simulated teleoperated mobile robot 4
Apples and oranges: validity and reliability of the three main anthropomorphism measures 60
Understanding Humans’ True Perception of Robot by Means of a Thought Experiment “Ship of Theseus” 3

Teaser talks TS3 – Friday
10:00Vibrotactile information coding strategies for a body-worn vest to aid robot-human collaboration 153
SSUP-HRI: Social Signaling in Urban Public Human-Robot Interaction dataset 75
Robot or Employee? Exploring People’s Choice For Or Against an Interaction With a Social Robot 9
The Imaginary Robot Teacher: The Value of Sci-Fi in the Field of Educational Robotics 2
Modular Robotic FurnitureCompetition
Parametric Artificial Hand Design: A Versatile Solution for Multifunctional Grasps
Design and Development of a Virtual-Reality Rehabilitation System for Amputees
An Automated Maintenance Plant for Net Zero Highways1
Using Robotics to Improve Moral Education: Using Picoh to Teach Bhagavad Gita
Modular Affordable Compliant Humanoid Platform for Interaction Studies
Quori 2.0: A Community-Driven Modular Social Robot Platform for Human-Robot Interaction
AI vs. AI – The Generative Art of Debating
Smart Robot Nursing Assistant (SRNA) for Healthcare Applications
Wall Climber Bot: Autonomous Vertical Climbing using Syringe-based Suction Mechanism
Smart Autonomous Wheelchair (SAW)
AI Driven Therapy Robot with Adaptive Twin Functionality for Enhanced Emotional Wellbeing
Electric Unicycle (EUC)

Teaser talks TS4 – Friday
14:00Social-Physical Human-Robot Interaction for Health Applications: A Scoping Review 145
Interaction Matters When It Comes to Hand Disinfection using Robots at Hospitals 98
PhysioFormer: A Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Physical Rehabilitation Assessment 126
Enhancing Open Conversations Using Visual Percepts From a Socially Assistive Robot — Preliminary Assessment 92
Investigating the Impact of Encouraging Utterances by Conversational Robots on Subjective Well-Being: A 15-Day Long-Term Interaction 95
Contextual Social Navigation through Integrated Task and Motion Planning 69
Generating Synthetic EEG Data Using WGAN-GP for Concentration and Relaxation Prediction in Human-Machine Interaction 73
Clinician Perspectives on Autonomy and Trust in Robots for Pediatric Interventions 50
Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: Problem Solved? 63
Ask and you shall find: How Suggestions by a Conversational Robot Assist Children with Information Search 148
Empowering TIAGo robot for learning assistive and collaborative human-robot interactions to assist humans 154
Agent-Exploitation Affordances: From Basic to Complex Representation Patterns 61
Perception Bias in Facial Expression Recognition: Implications for Social Robotics 76
“Stop Touching Me”: Soft Robotics with Aposematic Dynamic Color Change for Human-Robot Interaction 20

Poster session PS1 – Thursday
10:30Perception of Emotions in Human and Robot Faces: Is the Eye Region Enough? 33
Comparing Visual and Haptic Feedback Methods for VR-Based Human-Robot Teleoperation 155
Mind and Body: dimensions of mind perception across agent types in human-agent interaction 136
Exploring Human Attribution of Emotional Intent to Motion Features in a Humanoid Robot 48
Comparing Apples to Oranges: LLM-powered Multimodal Intention Prediction in an Object Categorization Task 131
Using role-play and Hierarchical Task Analysis for designing human-robot interaction 27
Context Matters: Understanding Socially Appropriate Affective Responses Via Sentence Embeddings 46
Towards Human-Robot Co-Creative Collaboration Through Interactive Task Dialogue 94
What are you looking at? A preliminary vision-based gaze estimation algorithm for humanoid robots in educational environments 120
Speech-Guided Sequential Planning for Autonomous Navigation using Large Language Model Meta AI 3 (Llama3) 93
Dude, Where’s My Robot Voice? Sometimes More Robotic is Better in Social Robot Speech Generation 53
Scalable and low-cost remote lab platforms: Teaching industrial robotics using open-source tools and understanding its social implications 78
A Framework for Mapping High-Dimensional Perceptual Features into the Low-Dimensional Salient Feature Space of a Social Robot 83
Classifying Attention Drops in EEG Signals for ADHD Training with the Virtual Agent Flobi 88
An Epistemic Human-Aware Task Planner which Anticipates Human Beliefs and Decisions 87
Chit-Chat with Humanoid: LLMs for University Icebreaker Session 129
ReStory: VLM-augmentation of Social Human-Robot Interaction Datasets 74
Intention Reading Architecture for Virtual Agents 15
Tactile Sensing Improves Handshake between Humans and Robots 118
Evaluating Robot Influence on Pedestrian Behavior Models for Crowd Simulation and Benchmarking 104
AE-EDA: Sparse AutoEncoder-based Feature Extraction and Exponential Discriminant Analysis for Robust Face Recognition 116
A Dual control dialogue framework for HRI data collection 188
Effect of imperfect labeling on LTSM Learning Intent Classifier 177
Overtrusting a simple Non-humanoid Robot in a training process 51
Reaching and Grasping with NAO robot 169

Poster session PS2 – Thursday
14:30From Functional Affordances to Reciprocal Dispositions: An Ontological Representation 62
Exploring Moral Learning through Bhagavad Gita: A Comparative Study of Social Robot Interaction and Tra-ditional Reading 127
A Framework for Adapting Human-Robot Interaction to Diverse User Groups 113
Combining control and validity: Context management issues in proactive social robotics research 34
Categorizing Robots as Living or Non-living – From Descriptive to Normative Assessments 82
Co-Movement as an Indicator of Trust Development in Human-Robot Teams 99
Trust Prediction in Assistive Robotics using Multi-Modal Video Transformers 85
An EEG Benchmark Data Set for Data-Driven Trust Assessment in Social HRI 102
Effect of Agents’ Ways of Paraphrasing Users’ Talk on Users’ Trust and Likeability of Agent 77
Should Robot Arms Be Thicc or Thinn? Examining The Impact of Shape Characteristics on Human Perceptions of Robot Arms 44
Transparency-based action (TBA) model for a simulated teleoperated mobile robot 4
Apples and oranges: validity and reliability of the three main anthropomorphism measures 60
Understanding Humans’ True Perception of Robot by Means of a Thought Experiment “Ship of Theseus” 3
Socially Assistive Robot Privacy Model”: A Multi-Model Approach to Evaluating Socially Assistive Robot Privacy Concerns 31
Museum, Classroom, or Laboratory? Comparing Child-Robot Interaction in Different Settings 117
Social Robots as Physical Education Instructors for Primary School Pupils: Exploration of Child-Robot Interaction at a Summer Camp 58
Baby-Robot Interaction: An Observational Analysis of Children Interacting with Robot Cleaners 80
Effects of Virtual Agents’ Affective Favoritism on Users’ Self-Esteem and Perception of Agents 97
Investigating the proxemics shape in social navigation: an exploratory user study 16
Towards Robot-Assisted Learning for Refugee Children and their Families – Interviews with Professionals 28
Using a Bayesian Network to Predict User Trust in Teleoperation Robots 124
Theory of Mind Assessment in Human-Robot Interaction 35
Expressive touch Gestures: Analysis of Raw Force for Haptic Communication with Robots 125
An approach to developing assistive robotics for forestry 180
Upgrading Pepper Robot’s Social Interaction with Advanced Hardware 172
Social and Collaborative Robots in Prison 7
Large Language Model Framework for Intuitive Interaction 181

Poster session PS3 – Friday
10:15Envision a future of living with robots through participatory theatre: A field report 162
Posthuman Dance Performance Based on Embodied Mechanical Prosthetics: LUDDITES 168
“Kissing Birds”: Mediating Human-Human Interaction through Poetic Engagements with Technology 179
Vibrotactile information coding strategies for a body-worn vest to aid robot-human collaboration 153
How Artists Improvise and Provoke Robotics 112
SSUP-HRI: Social Signaling in Urban Public Human-Robot Interaction dataset 75
Robot or Employee? Exploring People’s Choice For Or Against an Interaction With a Social Robot 9
Zen Wakarimasen – mobile robot raking a Zen garden in an artistic installation 90
The Imaginary Robot Teacher: The Value of Sci-Fi in the Field of Educational Robotics 2
Conveying Emotions to Robots through Touch and Sound 139
Applying Bodystorming to Human-Robot Interaction Design 72
MiKa – Assistive Humanoid Robot for Metro Passengers
User Experience Comparison of a Social Robot vs. Info Terminal in Citizen Services 111
Bridging the Communication Gap: Artificial Agents Learning Sign Language through Imitation 10
Equanimity in HRI: Applying Calm Technology Principles to Human-Robot Interaction 151
Development of a Robot-assisted Speech-Language Therapy System: Co-design with Speech-Language Pathologists 12
Kamikaze Drones and X-HRI: An eXplosive Human Robot Interaction! (Art Installation) 8
Charm or Harm? How Social Robotic Tutors Influence People’s Learning with Correct and Incorrect Guidance 5
Scenario-Based Learning in Human-Robot Interaction: Embedding User-Centered Design into Computer Science Education 39
A Multi-Agent Framework for Upper Limb Mobility through a Gamified Music-Driven System in Social Robotics 167
Development of an Inertial Gesture Recognition System for Affective Social Touch in Human-Robot Interaction 178
Who’s behind the service robot? 182
Social, but Still Uncanny 106
Demo from Nervous Thrasher
Follow Me: A Study on the Dynamics of Alignment Between Humans and LLM-based Social Robots 108
The impact of perceived risk on trust 184

Poster session PS4 – Friday
14:10Social-Physical Human-Robot Interaction for Health Applications: A Scoping Review 145
Interaction Matters When It Comes to Hand Disinfection using Robots at Hospitals 98
PhysioFormer: A Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Physical Rehabilitation Assessment 126
Enhancing Open Conversations Using Visual Percepts From a Socially Assistive Robot — Preliminary Assessment 92
Investigating the Impact of Encouraging Utterances by Conversational Robots on Subjective Well-Being: A 15-Day Long-Term Interaction 95
Contextual Social Navigation through Integrated Task and Motion Planning 69
Generating Synthetic EEG Data Using WGAN-GP for Concentration and Relaxation Prediction in Human-Machine Interaction 73
Clinician Perspectives on Autonomy and Trust in Robots for Pediatric Interventions 50
Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: Problem Solved? 63
Ask and you shall find: How Suggestions by a Conversational Robot Assist Children with Information Search 148
Empowering TIAGo robot for learning assistive and collaborative human-robot interactions to assist humans 154
Agent-Exploitation Affordances: From Basic to Complex Representation Patterns 61
Stop Touching Me”: Soft Robotics with Aposematic Dynamic Color Change for Human-Robot Interaction 20
Speech Method for Caregiving Robots Considering Uncertainty 157
“Socially Assistive Robot Privacy Model”: A Multi-Model Approach to Evaluating Socially Assistive Robot Privacy Concerns 31
Fostering Behavior Change through Cognitive Social Robotics 142
Utilizing A Social Robot as a Greeter at a Children’s Hospital 119
Humanoid robots, a future health care service? 37
Design Considerations for Applications of Social Robots in the Stuttering Clinic 14
Perspectives from Unpaid Carers on Socially Assistive Robot Interactions in Older Adult Care 114
Robots as Coaches: Exploring User Expectations, Ethics, and Design Guidelines 18
Vision-based Muscular Fatigue Detection for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration: Evaluation of a Pilot Study 68
Welcome to the library: Integrating social robots in Indian libraries. 123
Improving Human Engagement with Robots: The Power of Active Constructive Responding 144
Towards knowledge-based utilization of social robotics in renewing welfare services: Case Northern Finland 174
Parents’ intention to adopt children’s robots 187
“Novel Roboting”: A Playful Learning Approach to Digital Literacy in Early Childhood Education through Story-Tinkering and Computational Play with Robots 160
Perception Bias in Facial Expression Recognition: Implications for Social Robotics 76
Multi-agent framework for upper limb mobility 167

Robot Design Competition – Friday – breakout room 200 at Odeon
11:20Modular Robotic Furniture
Parametric Artificial Hand Design: A Versatile Solution for Multifunctional Grasps
Design and Development of a Virtual-Reality Rehabilitation System for Amputees
An Automated Maintenance Plant for Net Zero Highways1
Using Robotics to Improve Moral Education: Using Picoh to Teach Bhagavad Gita
Modular Affordable Compliant Humanoid Platform for Interaction Studies
Quori 2.0: A Community-Driven Modular Social Robot Platform for Human-Robot Interaction
AI vs. AI – The Generative Art of Debating
Smart Robot Nursing Assistant (SRNA) for Healthcare Applications
Wall Climber Bot: Autonomous Vertical Climbing using Syringe-based Suction Mechanism
Smart Autonomous Wheelchair (SAW)
AI Driven Therapy Robot with Adaptive Twin Functionality for Enhanced Emotional Wellbeing
Electric Unicycle (EUC)