Special Sessions

Accepted Special Sessions

Special Session Proposals

ICSR’24 is open to organizing Special Sessions for topics of special interest for attendees. The objective is to complement the regular program with new and emerging topics of interest in social robotics. Organisers of Special Sessions should submit proposals indicating:

  • Title
  • Main organiser and Co-organisers (including their affiliations)
  • Aims and scope
  • Intended Audience
  • Plan to solicit participation
  • List of Topics
  • List of Invited Speakers
  • Previous editions (if any)
  • Special session organization

Proposals will be evaluated on an on-going basis until the deadline below, and organizers will be informed of the outcome. Once accepted, the invited session will be publicized in our ICRS website together with invited session code, which will be used at the time of paper submission. Special Session papers will undergo the same review process as regular papers and published in the same way as well. Please send us your proposals to icsr@sdu.dk with the subject starting with [ICSR2024 Special Session Proposal].

Important Dates

Special Session Proposal Submission: July 5th, 2024
Special Session Proposal Notification: August 5th, 2024
Special Sessions at ICSR’24: October 23rd or 24th, 2024.